
I have a confession to make.

With how crazy hectic life has been the last few months, and especially the last few weeks, I completely forgot about our anniversary today. Ethan brought it up Monday night and it wasn’t until he pretty much spelled it out for me that I realized it was TODAY! I guess I was so wrapped up in deadlines, wedding details and the never ending amount of emails that I completely forgot that:

1. Anniversaries are a thing.

2. We aren’t married yet so September 29th isn’t our anniversary.

3. I am the worst at remembering important days when I am too busy loving life.

It is so bizarre to me to think about that. I truly do love where we are right now in this very moment. In the past, I was that girl that remembered all the milestones: first date, first kiss, first time you said I love you…etc etc etc. But with Ethan it is so different, because every day holds something special. Every day I find something that only makes me love him more – today’s example when sharing a bag of Funyuns he made sure to give me the big, airy ones because he know they are my favorite. Because in the end, it is the little things that add up to big things not some number on the calendar that serve as a reminder of our love for one another.

Ethan, I will be forever grateful that God brought you into my life. His timing, as always, was perfect. I wasn’t looking for you, yet he knew what I needed better than I did when he placed you into my life. I am going to cherish these last 60 days as your fiance to the best of my abilities but I can not wait to start forever with you!

Happy anniversary babe! Here’s to hoping I remember next year’s!!!