Wyatt William | Three Months

Personal, The Story of Us

POP THE CONFETTI BECAUSE WE ARE CELEBRATING THREE MONTHS OF WYATT WILLIAM! June flew by so fast and I can hardly believe it is already time for Wyatt’s three month photos (although I keep thinking he is four months). We have had so many adventures this month as well as starting a couple days of […]


Wyatt William | Two Months

Personal, The Story of Us

POP THE CONFETTI BECAUSE WE ARE CELEBRATING TWO MONTHS OF WYATT WILLIAM! Stuck between thinking this was the fastest month ever but also starting to forget what life was like before adding this little guy to our crew! It was a big month all around. Wyatt’s little personality has started to show little by little […]


Wyatt William | One Month

Personal, The Story of Us

Pop the confetti because we are celebrating one month of Wyatt William! And also one month of me feeling better than I have since finding out I was pregnant in August. And that is saying something because I have been recovering from a c-section plus having mastitis not once but now TWICE! Yet even with […]


Introducing Wyatt William

Personal, The Story of Us

One week of loving on our little man, Mr Wyatt William. It has been both the quickest and yet longest week of my life. So much change in such a short amount of time while also forgetting what life was like before him. Everything about welcoming Wyatt to our family has been so different from […]


Maddie | One Year Old


Here it is..the post that I still can’t believe I am writing! Maddie girl is one year old!!! How is it that a year ago I delivered this healthy, beautiful, 8lb 6oz baby? And now she seems like such a kid!!! This past month in particular she seems to be learning so much stuff! She […]


Maddie | Eleven Months


I have one more of these posts. One. It doesn’t seem real that our little girl is eleven months old! I know she will never remember this time or the unprecedented year we have had but I don’t ever want to forget it. Eleven months ago while still very pregnant, I was finally coming to […]


Maddie | Ten Months


Maddie is already well on her way to eleven months at this point. But seeing as I have done nine of these updates, I figure we better get her ten months update published sooner rather than later! This month has been crazy, hectic, busy, you name it but also so much fun. With the studio […]


Maddie | Nine Months


Maddie is nine months old…and a few days! It has been a crazy month trying to get ready for my schedule to pick up. Not to mention we have a little girl that is officially on the move! I already miss the days of putting her down in one spot and her staying there. But […]


Maddie | Eight Months


I wasn’t sure if we should count yesterday or today as Maddie officially being eight months since she was born on the 29th, but when Sunday came and went I figured Monday would be perfect. This past month has been a whirlwind between wrapping up the bulk of the studio renovations as well as being […]


Maddie | Seven Months


Okay I feel like I always start these out with “can you believe…” so I’ll just skip that part because we all know time flies way too fast! I think I want to remember seven months as the learning month for all of us I think. Maddie has learned how to maneuver all over the […]