Wyatt William | Three Months

Personal, The Story of Us


June flew by so fast and I can hardly believe it is already time for Wyatt’s three month photos (although I keep thinking he is four months). We have had so many adventures this month as well as starting a couple days of daycare each week that help us to all have a bit more of a schedule each week! Looking back through photos and even I forgot some of the fun things we did this month. I shot three weddings plus countless portrait sessions. We celebrated big sister turning four! I don’t know where all the time has gone!!!

Month Three:

  • Mr. Wyatt’s personality is showing more and more every day! He loves talking to anyone that will look his way. And he wins most people over instantly with his trademark smirk!
  • He is loving daycare and hanging out with all his friends. And I like that I can have a day or two to fully focus on work tasks uninterrupted!
  • Loves holding onto things, especially burb rags and teething toys.
  • Gets bored pretty easily if no one is paying attention to him!
  • Wyatt is sleeping like a champ still! He only woke up once last night and that was after 4:00am. Although he did eat an extra bottle with breakfast to make up for his missed midnight feeding!
  • Speaking of food, he is taking 6oz at a time and won’t let you forget it!
  • And with all the extra milk means a lot more blowouts…always at the worst times! Like in his carseat when we get to gymnastics, all over whoever is holding him or my favorite right after he was changed!
  • Lots of adventures this month: trips to the cabin, Wyatt’s first fair, first parade and getting to celebrate big sister’s birthday!
  • He still is loving car rides and likes to look out the window before he falls asleep!
  • Maddie is definitely his favorite and she always gets the biggest smiles.

Want to catch up from the beginning? Let me introduce you to our Wyatt William!