I was driving along what seemed to be a never ending dead end gravel road just trusting that my GPS knew where it was going when I got that feeling. You know that feeling where you get those butterflies in your stomach not from nerves but because you know in your gut that magic is going to happen. Around every bend in that gravel road was a prettier landscape, one right after another! Every time I thought yep this is a photographer’s dream, I would round a bend and then it would get even better.
We started with rolling hills where you could see for miles, then the fields turned into prairie grass and my heart skipped a beat then when I made the last turn into the driveway all I could think was this is GORGEOUS! But man oh man, I wasn’t prepared for what these guys had waiting for me! Their very own rolling pasture with views for miles with…you guessed it…WILD FLOWERS! There are days when all I want to do is live among the mountains and then moments like this remind me of all that Iowa has to offer.
Y’all this is what was all going through my mind and I hadn’t even gotten out of my car yet! My eyes were the definition of the heart eyed emoji and then the dogs ran up to meet me. I was sold! Today was going to be a great day and I could feel it in my bones!
I could go on and on about how great the day was between the laughs and the pups and dare I say the most impressive fart noises I have ever heard just to make the littles smiles (we do whatever it takes to get the shot here at MHD although I can take no credit for that one!).
Thank you so much for inviting me out to such a beautiful location and for letting me spend the morning with both of your families. I hope you enjoy a few of my favorites!