Maddie | Ten Months


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Maddie is already well on her way to eleven months at this point. But seeing as I have done nine of these updates, I figure we better get her ten months update published sooner rather than later! This month has been crazy, hectic, busy, you name it but also so much fun.

With the studio officially open, Maddie and I get to spend a lot more time together. So while less work gets done on those days, Tuesdays and Thursdays are officially our time to spend together. She loves to “work” with me and pretty much refuses to do her own thing if my laptop is out, which is also why I am publishing this on a Wednesday.Something I have been thinking about a lot lately is how grownup Maddie is becoming. Heck we need to start thinking about her birthday party, which alone seems insane. It has been the fastest year of my LIFE!

When I think back on her tenth month of life, this is what I want to remember:

  • Month ten is the month we officially need to start baby proofing. She pulls herself up on the couch for the first time and now she won’t be stopped. Maddie will and can get into pretty much everything at this point. She loves to pull herself up onto things!
  • Speaking of getting into everything, she definitely knows where and what she isn’t supposed to touch now. But unfortunately for us, she thinks it is the funniest thing for us to have to tell her no. Her favorite thing to do during the day is to try and get into Tucker’s crate and just hang out.
  • Maddie and Tucker’s relationship has definitely changed in the past month. She is in love with him and is constantly giving him hugs and kisses. And I think Tucker is finally realizing that she isn’t leaving so he better just assume she will disrupt his naps forever.
  • Maddie had her first happy meal AND trip to the parks where she loved swinging.
  • A milestone we are all happy about is that we have graduated to no more baby food! And she refuses to let me feed her without a fit so we have just upped the baths and Tucker is in charge of clean up most days.
  • I want to remember how she gives the biggest hugs for no reason other than she wants to but then always follows it up with a real sloppy kiss.
  • She weighed in at 22lbs 5oz the day before she turned 10 months old and is a whopping 29 inches tall now which comes in handy for looking over her crib!
  • Maddie has five teeth with another sooooo close to popping through. This round of teething hasn’t been quite as easy as the first two. Our normal sleep loving baby was replaced with a girl that would scream at the top of her lungs at 2:00am. So let’s just say we are happy that the worst (for the moment) has passed.
  • We have graduated to “big girl carseats”. Which was a necessary transition with her height but definitely not as easy since now that we get to carry all 22lbs of her squirming body wherever we go!
  • She is wearing all 12 month clothes and even some of those are starting to look a little short at times.
  • Her sassy personality is coming out more and more everyday! She loves to tell us her little stories and her facial expressions are one of my favorite parts!
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Maddie’s favorite things:

  • She loves to fake cough just so I can say bless you a few more times.
  • Maddie has started having favorite toys which is so cute to see! She loves her little baby doll and will give it hugs, kisses and pats on the back.
  • When she is sleeping, she will cuddle with her little lamb that Nathan got her for Christmas.
  • She loves looking out the windows every morning! I like to refer to this time as our weather check for the day.
  • This may not be her favorite thing, but she has perfected screaming. I call it her Banshee Scream and it can be heard all the way in the basement if she is upstairs in her crib. She usually reserves this for when we KNOW she needs to take a nap but she doesn’t want to admit it.
  • Maddie loves to go for walks in her stroller now that she is tall enough to sit up and almost reach her cup holders.
  • She loves putting anything and everything into her mouth.
  • She LOVES to wave bye to people… even if they aren’t leaving.

Need to catch up on the last ten months? Start here