Personal, Soon To Be Snitkers, The Story of Us

It all began with a wave…from Sasquatch that is.

It was a little gif of the Sasquatch from the Jack’s Links commercials blowing a kiss and waving, similar to the one below but I couldn’t for the life of me find the exact one. And before you ask, I don’t know what I was thinking either.

Unbeknownst to me, I sent that to Ethan on a Tuesday night while he was bartending at the golf course, the same golf course that my grandpa happened to work at and also the location of our soon to be wedding. We sent a few messages back and forth and then picked the conversation up the next morning. I, being the savvy texter and user of technology that I am, replied fairly quickly. Ethan’s on the other hand could vary anywhere in the range of seconds to an hour – it was maddening.

We talked about all sorts of things, like our jobs to my horrible golf game. I “casually” brought up the weekend to see if he had any plans and by casual I mean not casual at all because I don’t have the patience for that. The Allamakee county fair was happening that week and what better place to have a first date than at the fair, right?!? Well this is how the conversation went:

M: Have any fun and exciting weekend plans?

E: I have to work at the golf course this weekend but other than that nothing how about you

M: I am debating about going to the fair in Waukon on Friday night but other than that not a thing

E: Yeah I forgot the fair was going on

M: I should probably find someone to go with so I am not that weird kid all by myself

E: Yeah you don’t want to be that person

M: Idk it might be fun, but yeah going with someone else would be way better!

E: So how was your day?

Y’all, he changed the subject (insert all the laughing/crying emojis). I gave him ALL the opportunities to ask me out and he CHANGED THE SUBJECT. Y’all I just rolled with it, but not gonna lie it kind of crushed all the self confidence I thought I had.

Even though that conversation didn’t exactly have the reaction I was hoping for and looking back was a lot more subtle than I remember, that one conversation changed our lives forever and wanna know a secret, it was on Tinder. Yep you read it here folks…Tinder, a location-based social search mobile app that allows users to like (swipe right) or dislike (swipe left) other users, and allows users to chat if both parties swiped to the right (a match). (Thanks Wikipedia for the definition)

Now I know what a few of you may be thinking, “But Megan I thought you said y’all met by ‘mutual friends’ or at a ‘local establishment’ because I know you never mentioned Tinder before.” Confession time, I lied to you and I am sorry. Tinder and lots of other “dating apps” have a bad rep and I’ll be honest, I was embarrassed. I didn’t want people to judge and discount our relationship because of how it started. But without that little app, I never would have met the man of my dreams. So I am here to say it loud and proud, from the bottom of every valley to the top of every mountain. Ethan is my Mr. Right Swipe and I am thankful every day that it brought us together. Is it how I expected our love story to begin? No, but it is so much better than any fairy tale story you read about in books, because it is ours.

Spoiler alert, that first date happened just three days later! Stay tuned next week to see how it all went down – who knows maybe we will even get Ethan to tell a little bit about his side of the story!

The pictures that started it all.


His picture: Cropped out his mother and brother.

Her picture: Chilling at Joe’s reppin that lacrosse apparel.

His bio: Just looking for someone to go fishing in the dark!

Her bio: Born and raised on country music. I love animals more than most girls love shoes!