Education, Wedding Wisdom

Wondering what exactly to include in your wedding invitation? Trust me, you aren’t alone! Designing, packaging and sending out all those invites is NO JOKE! If your head is overwhelmed with all the possibilities, we have put together a little guide to walk you through all the details and then some!

The Wedding Invitation

Not surprisingly, your wedding invitation suite should include the actual invite to your wedding. And although it seems obvious, couples commonly forget some of the key details while designing these crucial pieces. Double and triple check that you include details like the time, date, various locations, where you are registered and YOUR NAMES! Once you have a design you like, double check it. Then have MULTIPLE people check it again. There is nothing worse than ordering all 150 invites only to realize you misspelled your name!

A Reception Card

If your reception is being held at a different location or if you are having an intimate ceremony and inviting people to only the reception, a separate card with those details would be a great addition! Make sure to include details about the time, date and location (including address).

Response Card

A response card also known as an RSVP. When sending an RSVP, don’t forget to include a stamp on your pre-addressed envelope for your guest’s convenience. I also recommend numbering your RSVPs with a corresponding guest list. There is nothing worse than getting a response where you A) can’t read the handwriting or B) someone forgot to include their name. This is also a great spot to get information from the guests to their food preferences if you are having meal choices or song suggestions to give your DJ!

Accomodations Card

While not all of your guests will be out-of-towners, it is nice to include either a separate card or an additional line on your invites with hotel accomodations. While this is definitely optional, it is super helpful for guests! Make sure to include whether or not you have a block of rooms reserved and when those rooms are reserved till!


Another obvious thing to include but one tip I do have, buy an envelope moistener! A definite lifesaver when assembling all those invites. Also if you go through a larger stationary company, they often offer addressing services. Trust me, it is worth the extra cost especially if you have a large guest list like we did! I still have PTSD after all the addressing!


With all this stationary, your envelope may weigh more than a standard envelope. My biggest recommendation is to take a finalized copy, fully stuffed, down to the post office! They will weigh it and make sure you aren’t over paying for postage! I was also surprised by the wide variety of stamp options they had as well. Since you will be ordering in bulk you can often look through an entire catalog and get ones to match your design!

Hopefully this helps demystify the whole invitation situation! I know it can be easy to get overwhelmed with all the details from the design to the info. But just always keep in mind that marrying your sweetheart is what really matters at the end of the day!

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