Wyatt William | Seven Months



Seven months and all of a sudden little man doesn’t seem so little. There is something about that transition between 6 and 7 months where these babies seem less and less like babies. Now it seems like we are days away from having a toddler again. Maybe its because he eats at the table with us now. Or maybe it’s that he finally decided that sitting up is way cooler than laying down. Either way, I am sort of grieving the last of the baby stages while simultaneously welcoming the fun that I know is coming.


  • He has spent a vast majority of this month putting his two teeth to work. This kid is a bottomless pit most days! We have done a 180 because he wasn’t super sure about food in our last month. And now he demands a never-ending supply and we can’t get it to him fast enough.
  • Wyatt is sitting up and other than a few wobbles when his head gets moving too fast, he doesn’t topple too often.
  • Loves army crawling all over the living room but only if you are on the ground with him.
  • Is solidly in 12 month clothes.
  • He HATES baths! We have had to resort to showers because he screams at the top of his lungs if he has to be in the actual water. But even then he isn’t a fan which is ironic because we have to practically drag Maddie out kicking and screaming when the water has long turned cold.
  • He is a big talker. And while it mostly consists of loud grunts, squeals and growls, he loves it when you talk back.
  • Maddie is still his BFF and no one can get bigger smiles out of him…except maybe Grandpa on occassion.
  • Has blessed us by sleeping through the night occasionally but the other nights he prefers to simply lay in his bed and chat to himself for an hour before falling back asleep.
  • Wednesday are the new Mom Days which means both kids get to hang out at home with me. Maddie really wanted to explore Pikes Peak so we went “hiking” all the way to the waterfall. Maddie is now convinced that we need to hike all the way to the river since we trained really hard that day.

Want to catch up on the last seven months from the beginning? Let me introduce you to our Wyatt William! Check out the Etsy shop where we got his custom sweatshirt here!