Wyatt William | Two Months

Personal, The Story of Us


Stuck between thinking this was the fastest month ever but also starting to forget what life was like before adding this little guy to our crew! It was a big month all around. Wyatt’s little personality has started to show little by little and I think we are going to have another talker on our hands! He also found his smile, not to be confused with her one sided smirk. Overall we are just as obsessed with him as the day we met him and can’t believe how much he has already grown!

Month Two:

  • Had to upgrade bottles because our world class eater is up to 6oz per feed! Thankfully my supply has started to ramp up post mastitis round two.
  • When the weather was nice, we filled a lot of afternoons with stroller rides behind Maddie and her big girl bike!
  • Finally starting to settle into a routine thanks to him only waking up once to eat at night. And while I would appreciate at least a few consistent daytime naps, I’m not complaining about the consecutive hours of sleep at night!
  • We went on a lot of adventures this month. Maddie spent quite a few nights at the cabin and we were even able to head up a couple times too! Wyatt also got to tag along for a few sessions as I slowly made my return to work. He also got to tag along for Maddie’s first day of gymnastics today!
  • I won’t have an official weight until the middle of the month, but Wyatt is growing like a weed. We have already had to retire some of his sleepers because he couldn’t stretch out his legs or toes. Same goes for swaddles because he can kick out of those things in two seconds flat!
  • We also got our first family pictures back from the amazingly talented, Emilee Meador. I included just a few of my favorites below!

Want to catch up from the beginning? Let me introduce you to our Wyatt William!