Wyatt William | One Month

Personal, The Story of Us

Pop the confetti because we are celebrating one month of Wyatt William!

And also one month of me feeling better than I have since finding out I was pregnant in August. And that is saying something because I have been recovering from a c-section plus having mastitis not once but now TWICE! Yet even with all of that plus just newborn life in general, I have been loving the fact that I am no longer dealing with constant headaches and never ending nausea. And maybe that is because Wyatt has been such a chill baby so far. The kid loves to eat and sleep!!! Fingers crossed that it stays that way but other than a few days of being a cluster feeding, velcro baby, he is pretty content most days.

So content, that I was able to actually decorate his nursery plus do some major cleaning that just didn’t happen while I was miserably pregnant. So enjoy some updated nursery pictures along with his one month photos!

Month One:

  • Little man loves to eat and is up to 4oz every few hours. But man he is a loud and fast eater! We are constantly having to force him to slow down and breathe every once in awhile.
  • He loves bath time and only cries when we take him out of the water…just like his big sister.
  • I am so thankful that he loves riding in the car. Especially when we needed to drive back up to Lacrosse for a follow up ultrasound to check on his kidneys. (So thankful that he passed with flying colors and we don’t have to go back to the urologist!)
  • Big sister Maddie is such a good helper! She loves running (or more accurately riding her new bike) to get things for us and helping with diaper changes and bath time!
  • TMI but this guy can burp and fart like a grown man.
  • Wyatt may be lazy during tummy time but he loves getting to spend time on the floor kicking and stretching.
  • His baby acne is slowly starting to clear up and is getting better and better every day!

Ready to catchup on all of our milestones? Read up on them all here.