Zach & Chloe | Prom at the Dousman House

Personal, Snitker Senior, Uncategorized

Wanna know something crazy? This was the first prom I attended since my own 6 years ago! (Don’t quote me on this but I’m about 90% certain) But what is even crazier is that this was my “little” brother’s first prom. I won’t get all emotional or anything, but how is this even possible?!? It’s like I blinked and now he is all grown up.

Okay, I better stop before I get a text from Zach saying I am embarrassing him!

We met down at the Dousman House in Prairie du Chien on Friday and let me tell ya, that is a much better location for prom than the high school gym! The weather was warm, the sun was shining and everyone looked absolutely stunning in their sparkly dresses and matching tuxes PLUS no lingering smells of that week’s gym classes. In fact, all of St. Feriole Island proved to be the perfect backdrop for a quick photoshoot to capture these high schoolers all dressed up.

So without further adieu , enjoy a few of the literally 100s of photos we took before the Grand March and stay tuned for another Prom Mini Session from one of our MHD Spokesmodels to hit the blog in the next couple days!


