The days seem to be going by faster and faster these days! Like how has Maddie been in our world for five months and how am I already a week late to post Maddie’s monthly update. Oh well! November was a crazy time to say the least. And we celebrated so many big things. Since our last update, we all got dressed up for Halloween and Maddie was the cutest little chicken! Then just a week or so later, we purchased a 10,500 square foot building in downtown. While we forgot to get a photo until right before bedtime, we had our first Thanksgiving with Maddie and she ate some oatmeal. Then before we knew it we were celebrating Maddie’s five month milestone at church for her baptism!
Overall, the month was busy but seeing Maddie become more and more interested in us, her surroundings and especially Tucker have been so fun! She loves to squeal and scream which is so cute until it happens in the middle of the night lol
- She has found her toes and loves to hold onto just one toe.
- We started eating FOOD! Mostly just rice cereal and oatmeal but veggies are up next.
- Maddie has started SCREAMING! Which is all fun and games until she does it from a dead sleep in the middle of the night.
- We have finally started sleeping through the night although she still surprises us every once in awhile by wanting to throw an all night party.
- We experienced our first real “cold.” Our happy baby was not her normal self which brought us to Urgent Care where after a chest xray it was determined she had some viral stuff going on in her lungs. And in a world where COVID is always on your mind, it was a nerve-racking time but after a few days on her medicine she was back to her normal self.
- Maddie is very good at rolling from her belly to her back and is so close to rolling from her back to belly! (Spoiler: She started doing that a couple days ago and will roll multiple times in a row but only one direction until she gets stuck.
- She loves her puppy. She normally takes a nap before daycare and Tucker knows what it means when I say, “Let’s go wake up Maddie” and he will run upstairs and stick his nose between the slats of her crib.
- We got her an activity center and she will turn around in circles trying to play with all the toys at once.

- Loves our morning routine with Tucker.
- Maddie LOVES splashing and kicking the water during her bathtime.
- She loves going to Kristy’s and always has the biggest smile on her face when I drop her off.
- Obsessed with real food! She will let you know if you aren’t feeding her fast enough.
- Loves it when she gets to spend time with her grandparents!
Need to catch up on the last five months? Start here